Saturday, August 31, 2019

Marijuana vs. Alcohol in the United States

Marijuana vs. Alcohol In The United States Marijuana and alcohol are the two most threatening drugs used in America today. Marijuana is the most illicit drug while alcohol is the most abused. Both were illegal during the prohibition but when the constitution was ratified in 1933 alcohol was made legal while marijuana remained illegal. It does not mean that because alcohol is still legal it’s less dangerous than marijuana. Both drugs lead to serious risks and should be taken with caution if used.Marijuana is a mixture of dried, shredded leaves, stems and flowers from a hemp plant better know as Cannabis sativa. Uses of marijuana can be recreational or medical and the earliest recorded uses date from the 3rd millennium BC. (Rudgley,  Ã¢â‚¬Å"The Lost Civilizations†) Tetrahydrocannabinol also known as THC is the chemical responsible for marijuana’s psychological effects. THC stimulates cells in the brain to release dopamine and causes euphoria like feeling. While th e most popular use is for recreational purposes, it is proven that it can help in the medical field also.Even medical marijuana is illegal in most states. Supporters of medical marijuana argue that it can be safe and effective against AIDS, cancer, multiple sclerosis, pain, glaucoma and other conditions. Nonetheless, abusing marijuana can lead to problem with learning, memory and social behavior. It can also interfere with family, work and other activities. But there are many in favor for cannabis like Bob Marley a famous musician and known for his use of marijuana describes in an interview â€Å"Herb is the healing of a nation, alcohol is the destruction†.Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant that is rapidly absorbed from the stomach and small intestine into the bloodstream. Alcohol affects every organ in the body. Individual reactions to alcohol vary and are influenced by many factors such as age, gender, physical condition, how quickly the alcohol was consumed, et c. Alcohol starts to affect the brain within five minutes of being consumed. Drinking alcohol leads to loss of coordination, poor judgment, memory lapses and even blackouts. Alcohol is a drug; so mixing it with any other drug can be extremely dangerous.Drinking excessively over a period of time can cause problems with relationships, money or the law. It can also cause severe health problems and even death. From 2001 to 2005 the U. S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports on average more than 79,000 deaths per year was caused by excessive alcohol use. (CDC, â€Å"Vital Signs†) Excessive drinking includes binge drinking, heavy drinking and any drinking by pregnant women or minors. On the other hand, the CDC does not have a category for deaths caused by the use of marijuana.Statistically, death directly from marijuana overdose is extremely rare. However, according to the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting data, there were a total of 1. 5 million drug arrests nationwide in 2011 and out of those arrests around 750,000 were for marijuana alone. (FBI, â€Å"Person’s Arrested†) While both alcohol and marijuana should not be taken with any other drug and getting behind the wheel while drunk or high poses significant risk to everyone. Alcohol is still vastly greater in number when it comes to death than marijuana but then again one is legal while the other one is not.The legalization of marijuana has been an argument for over 70 years. Even though voters helped to legalize the drug in Colorado and Washington, it’s still legal for the rest of the United States. There are many pros and cons for marijuana legalization. For example, it could increase the number of children using the drug if it was legal. Whereas if the drug were to be decriminalized there would be a large reduction of the prison population while saving government costs. Our economy could benefit through taxing marijuana.In 2010, CNBC reported that legalizatio n could make it a $100 billion industry in America depending on how the government would tax on the sale and the distribution of the plant. (Nelson, â€Å"How Big Is the Marijuana Market? â€Å") The possibilities are fascinating but what if alcohol was made illegal. If alcohol were criminalized then hundreds of thousands of people who worked in the business would be out of jobs. Bootlegging and organized crimes would be on the rise. It would surely change the drinking habits of our country and would greatly decrease the number of drinking problems today.Although marijuana is less harmful than other legal drugs, has various medical benefits and legalizing it would bring economic benefits. While alcohol causes numerous deaths a year but if outlawed could lead to more harm than good. Both are very different from each other and possess the potential for unique risks or benefits. In any case, they both should not be taken with any other drug and getting behind the wheel while drunk or high poses significant risk to everyone. Marijuana and alcohol will continue to be the most used and abused drugs in America. Nevertheless they should always be dealt with caution and never be taken for granted.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Introduction to Statistics

Random Sample: each member of the population has the same chance of being selected Representative Sample: characteristics should represent those of the target population without bias Observational Study: no intervention by the investigator, no treatment imposed Experimental Study: Investigator has some control over the determinant Variables: Categorical – each observation falls into a feline number of groups Nominal: named variables with no implied order e. G. Personality type Ordinal: grouped variables with implied order e. G. Veil of education Continuous – measured variables Discrete: take discrete values e. G. Number of children Numerical: can assume any value within a certain range/elemental e. G. Height Types of Designs: True experiment: researcher has potential to randomly allocate observations to conditions Quasi-experiment: demonstrate a relationship between an IV/DVD researcher makes use of naturally occurring groups, can't make cause and effect statements Non- experiments (correlation design): question If there Is a relationship between variables, can't make cause & effect statementsBetween groups: two groups being compared on some outcome measure Within-subjects: participants experience each condition of an IV, with measurements of some outcome taken on each occasion Extraneous variables: variable present In an experiment, which might Interfere with the relationship between IV & DVD Confounding variables: mediating variable that can adversely affect the relation between IV/DVD Internal validity: extent to which a casual relationship can be assumed between IV & DVD.External validity: degree to which you can generalize the results of your study to mom underlying population T-test One sample t-test – A: data should arise from a normal population Paired t-test -A: must be independent, arise from a normal distribution & populations of same spreads Independent sample – A: normally distributed, homogeneity of variances, independen ce of the observations Correlation/Regression – A: the relation in the population is linear, the residuals in y have a constant standard deviation and the residuals arise from a normal distribution detests of good fit and test of independence – A: expected count has to be larger than five

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Hockey in Canada: The Nation’s Passion

Hockey In Canada: A Nations Passion Culminating Activity: Canadian History Essay In 1994, the Canadian Federal Government compromised and voted to make hockey Canada's national winter sport, and lacrosse Canada's national summer sport. Which sport should be named Canada's true national sport? Sport should be named Canada's true national sport? It Is Important to know which sport should be named Canada's true national sport because of its relevance in focusing to improve Canada's athletic skills.By knowing the sport, it will help determine the sport Canada should emphasis upon to be more successful. It Is believed that hockey should be named Canada's national sport due to the appreciation that Canadians have toward their winter climate and well-known winter sports. Also, hockey has maintained Its status as the most popular sport in Canada, while encouraging many women to participate. These reasons are believed to be the major factors that contribute to why hockey should be titled Cana da's true national sport. The history of modern hockey goes as far back as the early sass's.Many regions have claimed to be the birthplace of hockey, but the best-supported cases re in Windsor, Nova Scotia, and Kingston, Ontario, which hold by far the earliest written accounts of a game that has ever been played. Many assumptions were then made that hockey first originated within these three clues. When you think of Canada, what is the first thing that comes into your mind? For many individuals it is hockey. A country's climate has big influences on the type of athletic activities that can occur. In Canada, the climate revolves around cold and bitter weather, which can last up to half a year.Fortunately one of the many advantages is the ability to pursue any of Canada's winter sports such as skiing, snowboarding, bobsledding, figure skating, and most importantly hockey. As a result, it is not a surprise to Canadians when managing to score highly in many of the winter Olympics; in fa ct many Canadians often take this for granted. As seen on February 28, 2010, at the Vancouver winter Olympics, Sydney Crosby stated on CATV â€Å"l just shot it, I didn't really see it to be honest. † This of course, was after the terrific win team Canada pulled against the united States.The victory of this hockey game once again, caused Canadians to legalize the beauty of how successful Its winter sports became. The landscape and weather conditions also contribute to the significance of hockey in the nation. Although it is estimated that there are approximately 2500 indoor and outdoor hockey rinks in Canada, many Canadians still build their own backyard ice rink on behalf of the passion for this sport. Adam shepherd grew up playing hockey, and now with his own family In Whites, Ontario, he wanted to share his experience with his children.Adam states, â€Å"l get real enjoyment watching my kids out here having fun. † 1 OFF January and February, and that's when the weat her is coldest. † Luckily Canada's climate allows the building of an outdoor skating rink to be successful. Tremor, Dam's 9 year old son stated that he loves to be outside playing hockey with his family, and that the cold never bothers him. Hockey plays an important role in people's lives whether winning a gold medal, being able to build hockey rinks, or spending quality time with family.Hockey has become more than Just a sport in Canada; over a period of time, it has become a huge part of Canadian Culture. In the eighth game of he 1972 summit series, Canadians practically came to a standstill as everyone wanted to see the outcome of the final game between Soviet Union and Canada. As a result, Canada pulled another big victory, and after this day hockey became an even more popular sport. Canadian â€Å"Hockey Night† as seen on CB sports airs every Saturday night. Since 1998, more than four million Canadians tune in to watch this show.The number of sales for televisions has increased by the value of seven billion dollars since the year 2000, due to the influence of this shows popularity to improve the development of technology. This is one of the positive impacts toward Canada's economy, which has caused many technological companies to rise. Also, hockey night is a great way for families to bond while supporting Canadian radios such as CB whom broadcasts details about regular hockey games. Another aspect is the number of viewers that watch Canada's hockey games, for example the number of viewers who watched the U.S vs.. Canada hockey game at the 2010 Vancouver Olympics. As said before, the love and support for this sport is undeniable which influences its fame. Family and friends that have gathered together to watch this special game caused a hit of 27. 6 million views; one of Canada's most viewed hockey games in all time. Generally, these reasons verify the admiration Canadians have toward hockey. 0 When looking back in Canadian history, women wer e not known for independence as men were considered â€Å"persons† while women were not.This did not come to an end until 1929, when Emily Murphy took action and brought the persons case to court. Although some action had been taken, it did not prevent women's stereotype during the sass's. At that time, it was necessary for women to have feminine qualities, which included the disability to play â€Å"masculine sports. † Hockey was one of the most influential sports that encouraged many individuals to take a step toward women's rights. Canada's national women's hockey team has been on the world stage, winning nine world titles, three Olympic gold medals and twelve 3 nations/nations cups.Its successful Journey has caused its reputation to rise internationally with their only losses being against United States and Sweden. Cassia Campbell, a professional hockey player on Canada's women's hockey team says â€Å"In 1998 we went to the first ever Olympic for women's hockey, and as a Canadian hockey player and Canadian hockey team we were by far the favorites going in, and we lost. We brought home a silver medal and felt like we let down our entire country; we were embarrassed and extremely disappointed.I remember I ran into a great Canadian speed skater Susan Such, when she congratulated me on the silver medal. While seeing the disappointment in my eyes, Susan said something to me that I'll never forget â€Å"do you know how many people in this world don't get a chance to be Olympic athletes, and how many Olympic athletes don't get a chance to be medalist? I realized what we big reason to why we won gold in Salt Lake City in 2002. † This inspiring speech given by Cassia motivated women all over Canada to never give up on their dreams, even if it meant challenging women's stereotype.Although it did take time, hockey is the only sport in Canada that truly represents a successful women's sport team. Long story short, hockey is indispensable to Cana da and its people. Women are better – respected because of the success of its hockey team, while technological industries broadcasting about this sport are emerging. Families bond whether by playing cocky outside their own backyard rink or by watching hockey night together. It is evident that hockey has an essential role in Canadians lives and should be titled Canada's true national sport because of the reasons stated in this piece.

Eternal Roman Flavor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Eternal Roman Flavor - Essay Example The ancient Romans earned and invested their past history for the creation of fresh human wealth which had been of seminal value for the evolution of a richer future. Today's Rome is an effective blend of the ancient and the modern, a classic example of how the legacy of history can be preserved, productively lived, remodeled and passed on to the posterity . "History is not a traveler's idle reading tool; rather it is a live model to balance our urge for daily bread and accountability to the future generation" [Livy]. In fact the ancient Roman law that fostered and protected private property was the prototype of the modern free market economy which is the engine of globalization. It is in this context that one may see the study of Roman Civilization as one of the pillars of modern free market global economy. The historical graph of Ancient Rome can be phased into three segments. Phase I, 753 to 509 B.C. was the period of Rome's origin. Phase II spanning across 509 B.C. to 31 B.C. witnessed the growth of the Roman Republic studded with the Punic and Macedonian Wars and the development of their unique and acclaimed models of law and government. Phase III, 31 B.C. to A.D. 476 was the era of the glorious Roman Empire or the Roman World. Lasting Footprints The origin, growth and acme of Ancient Rome has left behind lasting footprints in the culture and civilization of the modern West and far beyond. The earliest contribution to economic liberty in the form of private property dates back to ancient Rome. The Romans inherited the spirit of liberty from the Greeks and used it to evolve the culture of private property which is an unmistakable version of liberty. Encouragement of private property in the ancient Roman law was the foundation for the modern free market liberal economies and democracy. "Ancient Romans had the sagacity and vision to realize the role of private property in human liberty". [Gibbon] That vision later evolved into the theory that encouragement of private property is the Eternal Roman Flavour 3 basis of free markets that generate wealth which is the engine of popular participation in politics. The economic basis of modern liberal democracy and global economy can be traced back to the contribution of ancient Rome to the development and popularization of private property. Three outstanding and fascinating aspects of Roman Civilization that would inspire any student of history are: Roman Law, Roman Government and most importantly Roman Virtues as briefly sketched below: Roman Law One of the most outstanding products of the ancient Roman mind was the Roman law. The embryonic form of the Roman Law was the Law of the Twelve Tables from which evolved the first Roman code of law at the time of the Early Republic. In fact that was the basis for the Roman legal system that stood universally relevant in the Western world for more than 1,000 years. "The underlying principle of the ancient Roman Law was the precept that the exact 'form' rather than the intended meaning of the words or of actions constitute all legal consequences". [Laughlin] Though not acceptable to the modern perspective of justice, the ancient Romans had

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Admission essay - applying for Masters Degree in MLIS

Admission - applying for Masters Degree in MLIS - Essay Example I have attended Maine Media workshop and workshop on film editing and have become proficient in specialized editing packages like Final Cut Pro. I would now like to expand my knowledge and pursue MLIS. There are many reasons that have greatly encouraged me to pursue higher academic qualification especially in the field which facilitates information research. While I was studying, I had supported myself by working as researcher for lecturers and Speakers. The information research fascinated me a great deal. Later, working as film editor for several documentary projects, I was able to travel to the far off places. The museums and artifacts greatly fascinated me. I was awestruck by Code of Hammurabi in Louvre, Paris and equally dumbfounded by priceless artifacts and medieval books like Guttenberg Bible which showed me myriad aspects of knowledge and its methods of propagation. I was hugely impressed. I realized that through the times, various means of spreading knowledge and information was invented. Each method became the symbol of advancement that represented the changing face of the methodologies of disseminating knowledge in the changing times. The increasing use of knowledge made huge impact on the lives of the people, facilitating interchange of information while at the same time, using it as one of the most powerful tool to influence paradigms of socio-political relationship across the globe. Indeed, the changing face of communication becomes the major platform to disseminate information. Most importantly, I realized that I want to become a link that can facilitate in disseminating information and provide people with myriad format to gain knowledge. Computers and internet has redefined communication and brought in digital age where information is easy to retrieve. Fascinated by such development, applying my experience and passion for music, I would like to become a music librarian. MLIS would help me to become information professional who would

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Sector Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Sector Analysis - Essay Example This is a dangerous sign, and many companies try to continuously update and innovate their business models in order to achieve success in terms of profitability and growth. Sector analysis is one of the new innovations that are being used by corporations and managers. It is a spin-off from Financialization. Financialization can be described as a process whereby financial markets and organizations dictate the economic policy of a country. In other words, Financialization is process where financial elites dictate the business policies formulation by the government. (Froud et al. 2006) Sector matrix defines the activity horizon of a company. As a result, it is sometimes also called â€Å"activity matrix†. Sector matrix is nothing but a representation of overall finances or revenues of a company coming into the business from its various areas of operations. The matrix is based on modern business and financial thinking. The old way of thinking about the supply was to consider it th e function of technology and product. The supply can only be increased if there are significant improvements in the production technology. This concept soon become obsolete and the new way of thinking was developed which stated that firm as a whole should be considered on the basis of its business model and various sources of income. A business usually makes money from diverse sources of profits and, hence, all of these sources should be taken into account before the supply and demand function of a business can be determined. Similarly, the old thinking about the demand was about winning the nameplate competition. It was all about improving or differentiating the brand from other competing brands in order to generate demand and make sales. However, the new way of thinking demand is about capturing the expenditure that consumers spend on substitutes and encouraging a complement product in order to increase the overall revenue of the firm. (Bowman & Singh 1993) The differentiating fac tors of the sector matrix and supply chain industry are that related products or complements are demanded together, therefore, a firm can achieve great success and double its sales if it starts producing complementary products. It is also believed that the firm operates in a boundary or in a particular sector. For example, a firm producing motor cars can produce car lubricants or wheels, but it will not immediately start a healthcare business. Hence, business models have boundaries. Similarly, a firm will try to enter into new businesses to lever its profits and in doing so there are chances that it may attract competition that may follow a similar matrix as this firm. However, it must be remembered that no existing firm exists in a particular matrix before the entry of this firm. The sector matrix can be explained more aptly by using two examples from different industries. The first example is taken from the Car Manufacturing Business and the second example is from Healthcare Busin ess. The reason for choosing these two sectors is to determine the applicability of the model in service and goods sector. This approach will check whether or not the model can be used for both goods and service sectors or whether or not this model is applicable for only one sector. (Brigham & Ehrhardt 2010) Example 1: Figure1: Sector Matrix of Car Assembly Source: (Froud et al. 2006) The above diagram shows that a car manufacturer exists in the upper left corner. This is unrewarding business because the industry is saturate and there are enough cars in the market that many people tend to buy used cars. This leads to demand substitution and demand for the firm’s products goes down. This has resulted in declining revenue for car

Monday, August 26, 2019

Drama- Glengarry Glen Ross a play by David Mamet Essay

Drama- Glengarry Glen Ross a play by David Mamet - Essay Example The drama contains many idioms that also emphasize the moral teachings that the author talks about in the book. In the drama, the characters use pauses and stammers that make the language vibrant (Mamet 73). The personality of the characters in the drama often changes and it both repulses and amuses the audience. The characters in the drama also have a comic effect because of their exaggerated personalities. I believe that the drama is a piece that reminds people on the need of not losing their humanity and morality. This is especially those caused by the current hardship of the economic world. The drama clearly depicts the life of people struggling to become financially stable. The script of the author uses some styles that make it extremely difficult to execute in a play. These styles are like the use of idioms and stammers (Mamet 73). However, the actors that play the roles should be able to execute the script with all the idioms and the musical language

Sunday, August 25, 2019

The Indian Historical Period Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Indian Historical Period - Essay Example Varghese, (2008) argues that the Arabic language became a medium of literary communication throughout the areas which the Arabs conquered and in a relatively short time, Arabic displaced other tongues as the everyday speech of the population over most of North Africa and the Near East. Thought and learning flourished; trade and industry prospered; a brilliant and graceful civilization arose beside which Western Europe seemed barbarous and even Byzantium paled. According to McNeill (1986), the immediate stimulus to the Arab expansion was the appearance of a new religion; Mohammed was a native of the city of Mecca and as a young man, he made his living as a camel driver and petty trader and on his travels he picked up a smattering of Jewish and Christian religious ideas. He acknowledged the prophets of the Old Testament and Jesus of Nazareth as worthy predecessors of his own prophetic mission and as such prophets that he recognized had received divine plans for men but with time misunderstanding and corruption crept in. As one of the renowned leaders, Mohammed simply claimed to correct and restore the revelation of God and just after his death; his teachings were set forth, cast in poetic form, written down and became the Koran – a sacred book of the Moslem re ligion. ... After his death, the expansion continued at a rapid rate and a series of prophetic successors united the Arab tribesmen for great raids into Syria and Mesopotamia. It was within an amazingly short time that they stripped the Byzantine empire of its eastern provinces and completely conquered the Persian empire; during the following generations, (Sowell, 2004). In the east, the Arab expansion continued at a similarly rapid rate extending into India and the oases of central Asia.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Jaw the movie Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Jaw the movie - Essay Example To connect scenes, they chose most stimulating, startling and moving ways. Use of conflict is reflected when Brody fear is the opposite of his goal to kill the shark. He fears water, which is less dangerous as compared with confronting a shark. Though Brody is a hero, issues of imperfect marriage is brought in. This creates a platform to show that problems need solutions. Brody and his wife Ellen fail to agree on moving from the town to a nicer place. The wife wants a better life. Thus, problems arise. Use of suspense is well demonstrated; Peter Benchley and Carl Gottlieb used suspense to drive the story (King). This is best done when a series of disasters are linked together. In the story, Brody and other characters are trying to find the shark and stop it â€Å"but what we are really waiting for is that next shark kill† (the jaw script). Urgency alert is well presented, Peter Benchley and Carl Gottlieb chose 4 July weekend â€Å"That is the biggest weekend of the year, the weekend all the tourist show up. And it’s coming soon!† (Jaws Script) The urgency comes in when the hero, Brody is expected to find the shark and kill it before the weekend. Memorable characters are brought in the story to spice it up. Quint is one of the characters used in the Jaws. The characters are always secondary characters and are depicted differently from other characters in the story (King). They act differently, chat in a unique way. He must be a character who seeks live in his own world as opposed to the other characters. Quint is best placed he is exceptional as compared with the rest of the characters in the story. Peter Benchley and Carl Gottlieb have made Hero’s goal as hard as possible. However, the solution to the ranking problem (shark attack) could have been easily solved by closing down the beach they did not allow that to happen. To overturn the

Friday, August 23, 2019

The Success of Multiculturalism in Australia Compared to Other Parts Essay

The Success of Multiculturalism in Australia Compared to Other Parts of the World - Essay Example How well it has actually implemented in to the society is what this research plans to emphasize. In 2001, one would have that the country of Australia was a very welcoming country towards other ideas and beliefs. After all the National Olympics were held there in that year and during that whole time there was a great air of friendliness towards the large majority of ethnicities that had travelled to Australia from all around the world. One person would not have picked up on any bitterness or resentments towards other races at all. However, now in 2006 it seems those feelings have changed somewhat and there has been tension developing in the country concerning the idea of multiculturalism in its entirety (Suter 2001). Not only is this an issue, but the idea has developed that the country should offer sanctuary to refugee's seeking asylum from other parts of the globe has become a concern as well. There are a lot of Australians that are very up tight about this and aren't as welcoming of the concept as it was anticipated they would be. One such example is in the idea that Australia should provide refuge for Afghanian's wanting entrance to its borders in order to seek protection from violence and terrorism in their own country. The Australian Prime Minister has not been too fond of this thought concept and initially denied permission for one ship to land on a part of the country's territory close to the borders of Indonesia (Suter 2001). Some of the feelings of why Australia is against such an idea are the fact that they have heavy concerns of invasion from other countries. It has been found that the Parliament of Australia itself believes that once they start allowing activities such as this to take place, more and more foreigners will expect the same type of treatment and before anything would even have a chance to be implemented to prevent this from happening, the whole cou ntry would be enveloped in a tide of other multicultural people from around the world, many of whom would only be coming there for refuge. Suter (2001) details in his article that the Australians fear of invasion runs deep, and can be traced all the way back to the period of the First World War. Also, they have a fear that the Island of Australia itself will eventually become overcrowded and burdened if there is an extensive amount of foreigners continuously coming in for refugee. These are some of the most logical reasons why there is such negativity by the Austrians towards this concept of wholly allowing for multiculturalism to become a constant part of the Island. What some people around the world aren't aware of are the various policies that encircle the country of Australia. Australia was developed through an idea of imperialism and meant for only white settlers. In fact in 1901 there were many strict policy enactments that prevented any one who was non-white from being able t o enter through the Austrian border. Of course times have changed now but there is still a small part of these ideals left within the country and the people of Australia itsel

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Financial Accounting Theory Essay Example for Free

Financial Accounting Theory Essay The article â€Å"GM to Take Charge of $20. 8-Billion† here reproduced from The Globe and Mail (February 2, 1993) describes the potential impact of SFAS 106, â€Å"Accounting for Postretirement Benefits Other Than Pensions,† on General Motors and Ford. For example, it appears that General Motors will be required to record a liability of $20. 8 billion, reducing its shareholders’ equity from $27. 8 billion to $7 billion, about a 75% reduction. Describe and explain how you would expect the efficient securities market to react to this information. SFAS 106, Accounting for Postretirement Benefits Other Than Pensions: â€Å"This Statement establishes accounting standards for employers accounting for postretirement benefits other than pensions. It will significantly change the prevalent current practice of accounting for postretirement benefits on a pay-as-you-go (cash) basis by requiring accrual, during the years that the employee renders the necessary service, of the expected cost of providing those benefits to an employee and the employees beneficiaries and covered dependents. In exchange for the current services provided by the employee, the employer promises to provide, in addition to current wages and other benefits, health and other welfare benefits after the employee retires. It follows from that view that postretirement benefits are not gratuities but are part of an employees compensation for services rendered. This Statement relies on a basic premise of generally accepted accounting principles that accrual accounting provides more relevant and useful information than does cash basis accounting. Accrual accounting goes beyond cash transactions and attempts to recognize the financial effects of noncash transactions and events as they occur. Recognition and measurement of the accrued obligation to provide postretirement benefits will provide users of financial statements with the opportunity to assess the financial consequences of employers compensation decisions. In applying accrual accounting to postretirement benefits, this Statement adopts three fundamental aspects of pension accounting: delayed recognition of certain events, reporting net cost, and offsetting liabilities and related assets. (FASB, 2012) I would expect the efficient securities market to find this practice acceptable. â€Å"Accrual-based accounting is more effective than cash-based accounting. A few arguments to support this theory are: certain cash receipts and disbursements are â€Å"lumpy,† within operating cash flows receipts and payments can be lumpy, accrual-based accounting is a better predictor of a company’s long-term financial performance. Also all formal statements need to be set up using accrual-based accounting, and publicly traded companies need to use accrual-based accounting to conform to GAAP standards (Keener, 2012). 2. Chapter 4: Problem 12 (Imax) a. To what extent can revenue growth substitute for net income as a predictor of future earning power? Explain. Use efficient securities market concepts in your answer, and consider the requirement under GAAP for immediate writeoff of research and startup costs. â€Å"Both revenue growth and net income are useful in determining the financial strength of a company, but they are not interchangeable. Net income describes how efficient a company is with its spending and operating costs and how effect ively it has been controlling total costs. Revenue, on the other hand, only indicates how effective a company is at generating sales and does not take into consideration operating efficiencies which could have a dramatic impact on net income (Investopedia, 2012). † â€Å"Start-up costs are defined as â€Å"those unusual one-time costs incurred in putting a new plant into operation, opening a new sales outlet, initiating a new process in an existing plant, or otherwise commencing some new operation (FASB, 2012). † †Costs of start-up activities, including organization costs, should be expensed as incurred (FASB, 2012). â€Å"Definition of Revenue Recognition An accounting principle under generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) that determines the specific conditions under which income becomes realized as revenue. Generally, revenue is recognized only when a specific critical event has occurred and the amount of revenue is measurable. Revenue Recognition explained For most businesses, income is recog nized as revenue whenever the company delivers or performs its product or service and receives payment for it. However, there are several situations in which exceptions may apply. For example, if a companys business has a very high rate of product returns, revenue should only be recognized after the return period expires. Companies can sometimes play around with revenue recognition to make their financial figures look better. For example, if XYZ Corp. wants to hide the fact that it is having a bad year in sales, it may choose to recognize income that has not yet been collected as revenue in order to boost its sales revenue for the year (Investopedia, 2012). † b. Use the concept of relevance to defend the revenue recognition policies outlined above. Relevant financial statements give information to investors about the firm’s future economic prospects (Scott, 2009). † c. Use the concept of reliability to criticize the revenue recognition policies outlined above. â€Å"To be reliable, information must have representational faithfulness and it must be verifiable and neutral (Scott, 2009). † d. To the extent that investors are aware of the possible use of revenue recognition policies that overstate revenues (even though, for a specific firm, they may not know the extent to which that firm is using such policies), what is the effect on the operation of the capital market? Explain. â€Å"Investors have prior beliefs about a firm’s future performance. These prior beliefs will be based on all available information. If net income is high, or higher than expected, this may be good news. If so, investors would revise upward their beliefs about future performance. Other investors, who perhaps had overly high expectations for what current net income should be, might interpret the same net income number as bad news. Investors who have revised their beliefs about future performance upward will be inclined to buy the firm’s shares at their current market price, and vice versa for those who have revised their beliefs downward. We would expect to observe the volume of shares traded to increase when the firm reports its net income. Furthermore, this volume should be greater the greater are the differences in investors’ prior beliefs and in their interpretations of the current financial information (Scott, 2009). †

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Price, Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Activities Essay Example for Free

Price, Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Activities Essay Ferraris are a luxury good, known for their performance and prestige with prices of up to  £500,000. In this study there will be an effort to evaluate if a Ferrari would still be as desirable if it was available at  £20,000. To do this we must examine the relationship between the behaviours of consumers and price with a further examination of marketing activities. Firstly we need to define what consumer behaviour, price and marketing activities are, by understanding the consumer we can then create products that meets their wishes and needs which is vital in achieving success. An investigation of the Utilitarian (rational) consumption model will follow allowing the identification of driving factors that affect consumer’s decisions. This allows the introduction of Pricing, viewing towards perceived quality and value. The contrasting Hedonic view allows the introduction of socio-psychological factors on consumer behaviour such as personality and social class. We must appreciate our level of involvement with the product and what factors this may cause. This will allow us to fully appreciate whether the change in price will result in the Ferrari still being as desirable as when it was at a higher price. The study of consumer behaviour â€Å"is the study of the processes involved when individuals or groups select, purchase, use or dispose of products, service, ideas or experiences to satisfy needs and desires† (Soloman et al, 2002, p4). Therefore by studying what factors affect how and why consumers make these consumption decisions, marketers may be able to understand and therefore adapt to these decisions. Consumer behaviour incorporates ideas from many different disciplines such as psychology, sociology and economics. (Schiffman and Kanuk, 2000), in a marketing context we take note of all these concepts and try to come to a balanced answer. A full examination of consumer behaviour looks at how consumers maximise their utility (satisfaction) based on a cost-benefit analysis of price and product scarcity, this was thought of the Utilitarian or rational way of behaviour. (Baines et al, 2011). The key determinant is that the functional benefits must be greater than the costs exp ended. Very often we would class the cost expended as being the price paid for an item, this is a difficult term to classify but is best explained by Baines, Fill and Page (2011), (p331) â€Å"we consider price as the amount the customer has to pay or exchange to receive a good or service†. This however fails to mention that how consumers â€Å"perceive a price-as high, as low, as fair- has a strong influence on both purchase intentions and purchase satisfaction.† (Schiffman and Kanuk, 2000, p 144). For example a passenger who paid  £1 for his Ryanair flight will feel more satisfied one who paid  £71 due to purchasing at a later date. Here we look at whether a Ferrari is still as desirable at a lower price, to do this we must examine how customers affect to a change in prices, known in economic terms as the elasticity of demand. This measure how much demand will shift as a result of a change in price. To do this we can look at how in rational thinking consumers wish the be nefits to outweigh the costs, the benefits of buying a new Ferrari may be the quality and value you get for the price you paid. However as each person has a different wished level of quality we use the term ‘perceived quality’, often based on â€Å"informational cues that they associate with the product† (Schiffman and Kanuk, 2000, p145). Looking at the relationship between the perceived qualities and pricing often it is thought that price reflects quality (Baines et al, 2011). This is challenged by the aspect we take our perceived quality from many cues, not just price, such as more extrinsic values such as brand image. Therefore it can be classes that â€Å"consumers use price as a surrogate indicator of quality if they have little or no information to go on† (Schiffman and Kanuk, 2000, p150). The idea of brand image as a cue introduces the more hedonic concept of feelings, desires and perceptions into the consumer’s decision. As already discussed prices and quality are not measured in purely rational terms they encompass our perceptions of the product, price and measure of quality. Our perceptions are personal to us and it is vital for marketers to understand what factors may affect these perceptions. To do this we must understand how consumption may be irrational (hedonic) involving the â€Å"multi-sensory, fantasy and emotional aspects of consumers’ interaction with products† (Soloman et al, 2002, p37). This view stresses that we purchase products because of how they make us feel or look to others. This is sometimes classed as emotional or socio-psychological buying (Baines et al, 2011). The stark difference between utilitarian and hedonic consumption can be seen in the process of proposition acquisition. We draw up a motive for acquiring the product; this may be out of functional (rational) or desire (irrational) means. We then gather information on the product drawing up a shortlist of brands, followed by an evaluation of the proposition. When it comes to the purchase of the item it is important to consider â€Å"the personal importance a person attaches to a given communication message† (Baines et al, 2011, p 90) this is classes as the person’s involvement. As discussed in Fill (2009, p174) the characteristics involved with involvement can be seen in three phases, that of contextual elements, the influencers and the outcomes. Our level of involvement with a product can play a role in the price fairness we perceive for this product. At states of low involvement where â€Å"the purchase suggests little risk to the consumer† (Fill, 2009, p176) we require little information and use past experiences to make our decisions. However at high levels of involvement where, â€Å"a consumer perceives an expected purchase that is not only of high personal relevance but also represents a high level of perceived risk† (Fill, 2009, p 176), consumers will invest a great deal of time researching the item to reduce the perceived risk and will draw on extrinsic information and may draw more on hedonic terms. The relationship between price and involvement can be seen at both levels, at low levels price allows individuals to discriminate between low-involvement purchase decisions as â€Å"price, packaging, and point of purchase displays and promotion’s work together to cue and stimulate an individual into trying a product.† (Fill, 2009, p 180) At high levels of involvement price is not such a determining factor, with other factors playing a more significant role. Involvement does not juts affect the importance placed on price it also affects how a product is marketed to the consumer. This raises Ratchfords (1987) thoughts of involvement being linked with feeling and thinking. He sought to think how people thought about products and class them as high/low involvement and whether they were a product you bought rationally, what you thought of the product, or irrationally, how the product made you feel. In this instance the purchase of a Ferrari which would have been a high involvement/feeling product there is â€Å"a need for emotional advertising† (Baines et al, 2011, p91). With the shift in price it can be argued that the product has now became a high involvement/thinking product so more informative advertising is needed. Further links between price, consumer behaviour and price can be seen in Fill (2009, p 181) arguing that at low levels of involvement consumers will â€Å"decide upon their usual brand until they notice a price promotion† ,this then may be become there habitual buying pattern. As discussed earlier at high levels of involvement, more emotional and informative advertising is used there are many reasons for this including that factors such as lifestyle, social class and personality can all affect our hedonic consumption. In the sphere of personality there are three main approaches. Firstly the psychoanalytic approach Freud outlined how we are driven by subconscious drives in three parts our ID, Ego and Superego. It is argued that certain products are bought to fulfil our needs and urges such as the purchase of a Ferrari. The reduction of price may then not allow us to fulfil this urge. A differing approach is that of Trait theory, where we are classified by our types of personality. The purchase of a  £500,000 car may be seen as fulfilling one personality type, by reducing the price to  £20,000 the market segment may change and as â€Å"car manufacturers market products on the basis of personality types† (Baines et al, 2011, p96) this may change th e whole marketing process and the way this process is presented. The final school of thought is the Self Concept Approach that we â€Å"buy goods†¦ for the brand they represent and its relation to the buyer’s perception of their own self-concept or personality.†(Baines et al, 2011, p96). In this model it may be argued that price is a determinant factor as we may buy to show we can pay high prices to others. Added to this is the idea that the brand gives you a self-image therefore a change in the price can affect the branding and may lead you to a different purchase decision. The price change may also change what reference group a Ferrari would belong to it may no longer be an aspiration so may become less desirable. The change in price may however be beneficial when looking at consumer behaviour in relation to lifecycle and social class. Focussing on lifecycle â€Å"we hypothesize that people in the same stages of life purchase and consume similar kinds of products† (Baines et al, 2011, p108), a £500,000 Ferrari may fall into the stage of empty nest 1, where there is large disposable income, the shift downwards in price will allow a Ferrari to become more accessible to different stages of the lifecycle, thus making it more desirable to these groups. To conclude pricing, consumer behaviour and marketing activities are all linked. By determining whether the consumption is either rational or irrational we can investigate the level of involvement one may have with that product. This then allows us to look at how perceived values, price and quality link with the way the consumer behaves. As consumer behaviour study evolves from â€Å"early emphasis on rational choice†¦to a focus on apparently irrational buying needs† (Holbrook and Hirschman, 1982, p132) we are able to investigate other factors that may relate to consumer behaviour such as lifestyle, social class and what level of involvement is involved. As we can see in rational decisions there is a link between price and behaviour, with the benefits outweighing the costs, the same can be said at decisions of low involvement. However other extrinsic factors have to be considered when making higher involvement decisions. The decrease in price therefore may make the Ferrari more desirable if you are making the purchase at a low involvement level however at a higher level other factors need to be considered to give a true representation of its desirability. Reference List Books and Ebooks Baines, P. Fill, C. Page, A., (2011), Marketing, 2nd ed., Oxford: Oxford University Press Fill, C. (2009), Marketing Communications : Interactivity, Communities And Content., 5th ed., Harlow: Pearson Education Limited Schiffman, L,G. and Kanuk, L,L. (2000), Consumer Behaviour, 7th ed., London: Prentice Hall International (UK) Limited Solomon, M., Bamossy, G., Askegaard, S. and Hogg, M. K. (2006) Consumer behaviour: a European perspective, 3rd ed., Harlow: Financial Times. Lecture Notes C18FM1 2012/2013 Online Journals Holbrook, M, Hirschman, E (1982),. The Experiential Aspects of Consumption: Consumer Fantasies, Feelings, and Fun, Journal Of Consumer Research, 9, 2, pp. 132-140, Business Source Premier, EBSCOhost, viewed 22 October 2012.

Finance Now, New Zealand Analysis

Finance Now, New Zealand Analysis Company Name: Finance Now, New Zealand Companies find it hard to survive in todays world of cut throat competition. All functions, including but not limited to, IT, Marketing, Service, Operations, Human Resource Management etc. are vital in making an organization a commercial success (Scott, 2015). Marketing, being one of the most significant domains, has a crucial role to play. Right from zeroing on a target market to communicating the end product to users, marketing has it all covered under its wing (Slater, 2015). This report highlights the facets of marketing, such as market segmentation, impact the overall performance of a firm named Finance Now. It also gives an overview of the impact of external as well as internal business environment on the functioning of the firm. A detailed analysis highlighting the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of organization has also been done. Finance Now Ltd, established in 2000, is a company that is 100% owned and managed by a loan-lending, local company of New Zealand. SBS (Southland Banking Society) is the parent company of Finance Now and was established in 1869. The company is known to grant loans to only kiwis and work visa holders. A wide array of loans comprising of retail loans, business loans, personal loans etc. are offered to kiwis by the largest building society of New Zealand, SBS. Finance Now has a diverse range of products to offer to its customers. Its association with over 1500 retail locations helps boost its credit sales for motor vehicle dealers as well as good finance/consumer loans all through New Zealand. Interest rates charged by the organization vary from person to person depending on the type of application (Now,, 2017). The business world, today, is facing with numerous challenges when it comes to running a commercially successful organization,courtesy the ever-changing external and internal environment. The growth and profitability of a firm are largely dependent on factors within and beyond the scope of the organization (Dibrell, 2015). Thus, it is in the best interest of a firm to adopt strategies that promote sustainable development taking into consideration the impact of external as well as internal factors affecting growth (Boons, 2013). External Environment: Some of the factors, beyond the control of the organization, that may have an impact on its growth are: 1. Social Factors: The lifestyle of the local population of the country in which the firm is operational is a major determinant of the success of firm. This is because a grand lifestyle with little disposable income would result in an enhanced customer base taking loans (Medina Munro, 2017). Growth in population is another factor that could enhance the penetration of Finance Now as more people would mean more requirements of houses and other facilities (Rothaermel, 2015). Also, the rapidly increasing working population of New Zealand has the potential to impact the growth of Finance Now. 2. Legal/Regulatory Factors: Affirming to the rules and regulations set by the government of New Zealand is a prerequisite to establishing and running any business in the nation. Fluctuating interest rates have a direct impact on the growth of financial firms with more customers taking loans when the interest rates are low (Chang, 2013). The documentation process is often standard and a simpler process helps getting more customers on board. 3. Economic Factors: The economic situation of New Zealand is expected to impact the growth of Finance Now the most. This is because, a fluctuating economy would directly contribute to a fluctuating customer base with more people opting for personal and business loans when the economy is low. An evidence is that SBS recorded an annual growth of 24% in Financial Year 2014-15 even though the GDP staggered at 3.5% (McBeth, 2015). A rise in inflation rates leads to a rise in interest rates. On the other hand, a drop in inflation may lead to more locals taking to financial help due to lesser rate of interests. This helps in increasing profitability of financial firm. For example the profit made by SBS rose to $14.7 mn in the first two quarters of Financial Year 2016 despite the drop of interest rates as more people opted for loans (Morgan, 2016). 4. Technological Factors: Technology helps make the otherwise complex procedures of documentation easy, hence contributing to the growth of an organization (Rouse, 2016). E-Money feature E Finance cash card for consumer loans Online Portal Mobile Apps-AMP Digital Marketing PPC Digital Advertising, Remarketing or Retargeting Internal Environment The internal environment of an organization comprises to elements that can be controlled by the organization to an extent (Kuratko, 2014). For example infrastructure, employees, values, vision and mission and products and services offered (Hair, 2015). Finance Now competes against others of its kind in the market, including Kiwi Bank, ASB Bank, Moneyshop, Loansmart, Harmoney, Ferratum, Moola, Rapid Loans etc. The more the presence of competitors, the more beneficial a companys products and offerings must be in order to sustain competition. A competitive advantage can be gained by organizing marketing campaigns to increase awareness about products, offering products with enhanced customer value and also guaranteeing superior service (Wagner III, 2014). For example, SBS banks on competitive pricing for gaining an edge over other players in the market. It launched a 3.99% fixed mortgage rate in 2016, which was the lowest observed interest rate in decades. SBS also offered a 0.20% bonus on Term Investments which provided an added benefit to existing investors, thus contributing to customer retention (Bank, 2016). The diverse range of products offered by Finance Now, ranging from personal and home loans to retail loans, helps attract cu stomers from all walks of life. The coming together of Finance Now and dentists of New Zealand to offer an interest free credit deal for 12 months is a great example of how the company intends to diversify its offerings (Times, 2014). A SWOT analysis helps us determine the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats of a firm. Strengths 1. Advertisements: The light hearted advertisements of SBS bank help in attracting new customers and also retaining those existing For example the warm advertisement depicting a couples excitement to embark on a journey of owning their own home (Commercial, 2016). Finance Now also organizes competitions to help keep its customers engaged (Now, Finance Now) 2. Team, members and partners: The team of Finance Now is its biggest strength. The customers are referred to as members. The company also has over 1500 retail partners to help boost its business (Now, 3. Innovation: Finance Now follows innovative techniques to cope with the ever advancing technology. For example the e-money card and mobile app launched by the company have been immensely popular among masses (Fung, 2014). 4. Customer Service The finance companies or banks are always known to be in the good books of its existing customer base by virtue of its superior customer service. The testimonials put up on the website are evidence of the same (Now,, 2016). Weaknesses 1. High interest rates Finance Now offers Business loan interests ranging from 0% to 22.5% (Now, Other competitors offer loans at a borrowing rate of 14-18% on an average (Tarrant, 2017) 2. Nomenclature Since Finance Now is an extremely common name, particularly in the world of finance, its becomes difficult for the company to mark its online presence Opportunities With more and more people taking to loans as an easy way of starting a business or buying a house, the loan market is on a rapid growth (Riasi, 2015). The ease of applying for loans makes it an even better deal. With Finance Now positioned as a Kiwi Bank, it has an edge among the locals of New Zealand. Threats Presence of several competitors with substitute products at cheaper interest rates poses the biggest threat to Finance Now. Government policies may also not always turn out to be in favor of the financial institution. Advertising Policies- Google facebook- Ban on Payday personal Loans with high interest rates. Govt Financial Organization Polices Example of Competitor- recent New Rapid Loans The theory of stakeholder identification is majorly concerned with the principle that who all and what really counts in an organization. The normative theory of stakeholder identification helps us understand why employees and managers are important stakeholders in an organization (Agnà ©, 2015). Some of the other important stakeholders of Finance Now are: 1. Parent Company SBS The board of members of the parent company of SBS comprises of the most prominent stakeholders of Finance Now. The ultimate decision pertaining to any activity carried out by Finance Now is monitored by the parent company. 2. Associated Company -Marble Finance 3. Team Finance Now has its own employees working to attain the vision and mission of the company. The employees belonging to different levels of management and varied domains are significant stakeholders as they impact the profitability of the organization and vice versa. 4. Members The company treats its customers as its members, offering privileges from time to time. The members of Finance Now invest money and show faith in the organization which makes them important stakeholders in the firm. 5. Retailers Finance Now has a tie up with over 1500 retailers(list enclosed appendix no ) in order to boost sales across the country. 6. Associates In addition to having an association with retailers, Finance Now also makes associations with third party Sales and Marketing Teams in order to ensure deeper penetration of its products into the market. 7. Customers/Loan Applicants The loan applicants are also put their faith on company before applying for a loan. 8. Other Investors Target market identification is essential for an organization. This is because it becomes difficult, almost impossible, to cater to the needs of the masses without having a target population in mind. The same product may not suit everyone. Hence, market segmentation is done in order to ensure greater profitability. The products are designed to fit the needs of the target market, thus ensuring a deeper penetration and bigger market share. Market segmentation at Finance Now was done based on the industry it was to operate in. Money lending financial institutions often target a market that they can rely on to repay the loan within a stipulated time. The needs of the target market were then reviewed to create a portfolio of product that could fit the needs of the target population. The process of target market identification proved to be robust with the company making profits soon after its inception. Finance Now aims at catering to the needs of the working population (Li, 2016). This is because the working population has the ability to repay the loans along with the interests associated with it in the future (Bilton, 2016). Finance Now offers a wide range of products ranging from car loans to vacation loans, thus ensuring that all sub groups of the target market are catered to. Secured loans with lesser interest rates are available for those who wish to provide a backup or security, such as a car or property, against the loan that they take. Unsecured loans at the other hand, have the benefit of not having to keep anything as security. The interest rates, however, in case of unsecured loans are higher than those for secured loans. The market segmentation strategy has been working in favor of Finance now with the firm expanding its customer base and making enha nced profits. Finance Now has been a profitable financial institution because of effective market segmentation and positioning. The firm has also efficiently used marketing campaigns to its favor. The wide array of product portfolio offered by the company is instrumental in helping it cater to its target market. The use of technology further enhances its growth prospects. The organization aims at outweighing the presence of competitors in the financial arena by virtue of providing a superior experience to its customers. Appendices Types of loans and products List of Retailers and partners List of competitors Organic Rank Report Glimpse of Google Adwords TV and Radio Advertisements links

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

RFID Implementation Essay -- essays research papers fc

RFID Implementation Once a company decides to use RFID, the most important step in the process is being able to successfully gather the data and manipulate it into meaningful information. Doing this as effectively and efficiently as possible requires a proper RFID implementation, which for many reasons, can prove to be the most difficult stage of the entire process. A company new to RFID will find that many changes have to take place to make sure the implementation is as successful as possible. Ensuring a successful implementation involves changes in all fundamental areas of the company, including their systems and products (Zebra Technologies). While these changes will prove to be difficult, many companies find that they can conduct business much more effectively after the implementation of RFID. There are many things a company should consider before implementing an RFID system. It is important to determine the use of the system before it is put into place. For example, a company should set specific goals for what they expect the system to do for them once implemented. Determining this early in the process will help to pinpoint the most useful data once it is being gathered by the system. In addition, it’s important to map out requirements of the system over a set timeframe. It is helpful to have near-term goals just after the implementation, as well as long-term organization goals for the company about how the RFID system will help them over time (Implementing RFID). Since RFID implementation is very costly, it is also important to know the setup of the system before implementation. Knowing the setup involves understanding the key elements needed for the process. These include the tags, readers, sensors, and other software changes to make sure all existing systems are able to receive RFID generated data (Zebra Technologies). Another helpful thing to remember during implementation is to share implementation plans with the trading partners of the company. This way, any business partners will be ready to expect changes when dealing with the exchange of products and information (EPCglobal). Finally, one of the most important steps is to understand the importance of RFID middleware within the implementation process and its benefits for company. Middleware RFID middleware is responsible for filtering and managing the flow of data between tag readers and appl... ...telligent Agents 101). Intelligent agents are currently being used for a number of business processes today including electronic commerce, process and workflow automation, and in numerous Internet applications (Intelligent Agents 101). Known for their secure transfer of data, intelligent agents are becoming a valuable key to reliable RFID implementations. Not only will this technology allow for secure data transfers, but they can occur throughout all processes within the company and can interpret the large amounts of data being read by the system. In doing all this, the intelligent agents are also able to reduce the overall system load for quicker response time and produce results in a near real-time manner. Bibliography Automatic Identification Manufacturers. RFID: A Basic Primer. 28 Oct. 1999. . Bonsor, Kevin. How RFIDs Work. 1998-2005. . EPC Services. FYI: The EPCglobal Network - How It Works. . Smith, Peter. RFID Tags - How They Work. 17 Jul. 2003. . Thomson, John. The Queue at Pack and Save. Apr. 2004. . Transponder News. Motorola announces BiStatix 125KHz RFID tag. 2 March 1999. . UPM Refsec. Tutorial overview of inductively coupled RFID Systems May 2003. .

Monday, August 19, 2019

Essay --

Instruments For The Financial Manager Intel is one of the leading companies in the world and amongst the top ranking companies in the Fortune 500 of the world. It was a big blunder on their part but at times minor things are overlooked and lead to higher costs. Since the company of the stature of Intel cannot afford to compromise on its repute it decided to recall all the defected motherboards and as a result the burden on its income statement was very pronounced due to the shipping and re-structuring costs. Although the company is huge and funds are enormous but the catch was that most of their funds were either committed elsewhere or they were running short on cash flows and the senior financial management had this Herculean task of coming up with the 725 million dollars in order to service this recall. This course of action was the call of the hour and was required to complete this shipment in order to safeguard the name of the company and the interest of the shareholders. Due to the commitment of the cash flows elsewhere the company will need to raise an additional sum of 675 million dollars from various sources and the purpose of this research is to find out the most suitable and apt sources of fund considering the interests of all the concerned parties. As the financial manager for the company I would like to suggest that the desired levels of funds be raised from a number of sources, which would include raising part of it via equity, through part of accounts receivables, and some of it will have to financed internally. Though the company of this stature can afford borrowing from external sources but why drain away the funds elsewhere when we can do the same thing internally. Similarly part of it will have to come from o... ...inion the only options available to us are to use a mix of all of these. We should allow for the major chunk to come from the public as equity whereas the partial financing may come from the other assets as well as from the trading assets. What matters at the end of the day are that we are able to live up to the name of the company and deliver what we so staunchly promise to deliver. The only way to recover from the blunder made at some point in time is to recover the funds from the sources mentioned earlier on and when the time comes to repay these dues with diligence. As a finance manager I believe that these measures will enable us to sail through this problem with ease and in the longer run we will be able to stand more cohesively if we choose to settle this problem internally rather than going to outside and exposing the company to various other forms of risks.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

I Hear an Army Charging Upon the Land Essay -- essays research papers

I Hear an Army Charging Upon the Land   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Threatening forces are every where we look in life. Almost anything could be considered a threat in today’s society. The poem by James Joyce, “ I hear an Army Charging Upon the Land,'; contains evidence of a threatening force. The threatening force in this poem is punk rock kids at a punk rock show.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Threatening forces are very apparent in this poem. A prime example of one is when he says “ Arrogant, in black armor.'; He is talking about kids in leather jackets. It is there way of proving they are punk and it looks threatening. Seeing people in leather jackets is scary, especially when society has trained us to think that black is a sign of . We have been trained to think that anything that stands out is scary and people in black leather jackets stick out like a sore thumb. Obviously, when James Joyce says “ in black armor,'; it is a threatening force of punk rock.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Punk rock is a very firm theme of this poem that is supposed to be menacing. This is established when it says, “ Clanging, Clanging upon the heart as upon an anvil.'; This is saying how he feels that the chains that the kids wear are frightening. He feels that the sound of their chains dangling together is intimidating. When people who wear chains run the often make a loud noise ... I Hear an Army Charging Upon the Land Essay -- essays research papers I Hear an Army Charging Upon the Land   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Threatening forces are every where we look in life. Almost anything could be considered a threat in today’s society. The poem by James Joyce, “ I hear an Army Charging Upon the Land,'; contains evidence of a threatening force. The threatening force in this poem is punk rock kids at a punk rock show.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Threatening forces are very apparent in this poem. A prime example of one is when he says “ Arrogant, in black armor.'; He is talking about kids in leather jackets. It is there way of proving they are punk and it looks threatening. Seeing people in leather jackets is scary, especially when society has trained us to think that black is a sign of . We have been trained to think that anything that stands out is scary and people in black leather jackets stick out like a sore thumb. Obviously, when James Joyce says “ in black armor,'; it is a threatening force of punk rock.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Punk rock is a very firm theme of this poem that is supposed to be menacing. This is established when it says, “ Clanging, Clanging upon the heart as upon an anvil.'; This is saying how he feels that the chains that the kids wear are frightening. He feels that the sound of their chains dangling together is intimidating. When people who wear chains run the often make a loud noise ...

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Independence in the tasks of daily living Essay

Outcome1-understand principles for supporting independence in the tasks of daily living-Individuals can benefit from being as indepenent as possible in the tasks of daily living as it depicts that people having the same level of choice, control and freedom in their daily lives as any other person. Each of the three main political parties expressed their approval of the Independent Living Strategy published in 2008, which sets out actions aimed at improving the choice and control disabled people have over the services they need to live their daily lives. The aims of the strategy are that: * disabled people (including older disabled people) who need support to go about their daily lives will have greater choice and control over how support is provided; and *disabled people (including older disabled people) will have greater access to housing, education, employment, leisure and transport opportunities and to participation in family and community life. In June 2010, the Government stated that it was looking at further ways of taking the Independent Living Strategy forward. Active participation promotes independence in the tasks of daily living as this gives the client the confidence and independence needed to complete tasks by themselves without the support of others. Daily living tasks may affect those depending on their culture or background, as what someone may have been brought up believing, may not necessarily be accepted as the general view of society within Great Britain in these current times. I would identify suitable opportunities for an individual to learn or practice skills for daily living by providing a wide range of activities. I would observe/monitor their skills to identify what they can/can’t do, and also listen to them and ask any questions about what they would like to do. It is important to clarify the role and responsibilities for providing support in order to ensure that all codes of conduct, professional boundaries and legalities are upheld. Outcome 2-be able to establish what support is required for daily living tasks- Establish what support is required for daily living tasks In order to access information regarding an individuals support plan I would request this from my line manager using all organisational policies and procedures and adhering to all Acts of Parliament. In order to clarify with the individual and others the requirements for supporting an individuals independence in daily living tasks I would ask the individual concerned what they would, and how they would like to achieve independence, as well as following any care plans and discussing with others any information that the client may have passed onto them with regards to how they would like to achieve this. In order to access any additional guidance in order to resolve any difficulties or concerns about support for daily living tasks I would contact my line manager via telephone or in person, whilst accessing any care plans and referring the situation to my line manager if there had been any disputes between myself and the client. Outcome 3 – be able to provide support for planning and preparing meals- In order to support the client to plan meals that contribute to a healthy diet that reflect the individuals culture and preferences I would clarify with the individual any foods they can or can’t eat depending on culture and medical conditions and what they prefer to eat, whilst following any current guidelines for healthy eating. I would actively support them in the preparation of the food by encouraging them to prepare it themselves following all health and safety policies and referring the client to any ‘cook books’ etc. I would encourage the client to store food safely by discussing and referring  them to any food safety policies i.e. basic food hygiene, as well as actively supporting them in the initial storing of the food. Outcome 4- Be able to provide support for buying and using household and personal items- Different ways of buying household and personal items include using the internet and shopping in person. In order to identify household and personal items that are needed for the client I would discuss with, and if necessary supervise the client whilst they decided and tooks notes, depending on what they currently had in the house and therefore did or didn’t need. In order to support clients to buy items in the way they preferred I would discuss with and accompany the client whilst either shopping on the internet or in person etc. In order to support the client to store and use items safely I would discuss with and refer them to any health and safety instructions that may come with or be noted on the products. Outcome 5- To be able to provide support for keeping the home clean and secure- I would support the individual to keep their home clean in a way that supports active participation and safety by observing and discussing with them any issues that they may have, then referring them to any policies issued to the general public or organisations, and actively supporting them whilst they implemented these policies. I would supervise and describe different security risks to the client, whilst encouraging them to take notes as to what these are and describing to them ways to implement any concerns that either myself or the client had, I would also advise my line manager as to what these risks are so that any actions could be securely documented. Some of these risks could include leaving doors and windows open or unlocked, or by allowing people into their home without asking for I.D etc. I would support the individual to use agreed security measures by referring  them to any leaflets or policies that had been issued either externally or internally by an agreed and secure source, and promoting active participation in the implementation of these security measures. Outcome 6- Be able to identify and respond to changes needed in support for daily living tasks- In order to record any changes in the individuals circumstances that might affect the type or level of support that is required I would discuss these with the client and my line manager whilst recording these in the individuals care plan. I would adapt support in agreed ways of working to address concerns, changes or increased independence by discussing with the client and my manager what these may be. I would also takes notes and implement any changes in the individuals care plan.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Hysteretic Behaviour of an SDOF System

There have been several research workers who have attempted to develop processs for gauging maximal inelastic supplantings. It is deserving observing that most of these surveies used stuff theoretical accounts which followed simplehystereticnon-degrading regulations. There have merely been a few of these surveies which have considered debasement effects. A brief sum-up of earlier surveies in this field are given below. The first research work sing the equal supplanting regulation was conducted by citet { nm } who analysedSDOFsystems utilizing three temblor records.Elasto-plastic theoretical accounts were assumed which show no strain hardening. Even with the limited land gesture records and idealized theoretical account, they were able to pull a decision that in low frequence parts ( or high periods ) , the maximal inelastic distortions is equal to the maximal elastic distortions. Although there would be great benefits if this regulation were to keep true for anyhysteretictheoretical account, the inquiry that is raised is whether or non we can associate the maximal inelastic distortions to the maximal elastic distortions for low periods where the inelastic supplanting exceeds that of the elastic. A similar numerical survey was carried out by citet { shim } ; nevertheless instead than merely analyzing onehysteretictheoretical account, the survey was carried out on five differenthysteretictypes. The rule theoretical accounts used were either bilinear or ofcloughtype, with no debasement considered. As opposed to the old survey, merely one temblor record was used for the analysis. Having said that, they were able to come up with a relationship between maximal inelastic and elastic supplantings for different period ratios. To summarize their findings, they concluded that for periods higher than that of the characteristic period ( after the changeless speed passage on the response spectra ) the maximal inelastic supplanting peers about the maximal elastic supplanting ; they found this to be true for all thehysteretictypes used, therefore corroborating the equal supplanting regulation. They besides found that for periods less than the characteristic, the inelastic supplanting was gr eater than that of the elastic. They go on farther to reason that this difference is dependent on thehysteretictheoretical account used and the sidelong strength of the construction in mention to the elastic strength. Other research workers such as citet { chi } have confirmed this decision. An extended research was conducted by cite { m, mom,megabit} who analysed over 30,000SDOFsystems utilizing 124 land gesture records on different dirt types. Having developed ratios of maximal inelastic to elastic supplantings for three different types of dirt conditions utilizing anelastoplasticstuff, he so extended his work by developing rations between maximal inelastic to elastic supplantings for changing temblor magnitudes, epicentre distance and dirt conditions. Subsequently on, cite {mi1} found another manner to associate maximal inelastic supplantings to maximum elastic supplantings without the usage of inelastic supplanting ratios, viz. , the indirect method. He did this through the usage of strength decrease factors ; by multiplying maximal elastic supplantings by alteration factors, he was able to come close the maximal inelastic supplantings. He was besides able to demo that the indirect method is a first order estimate of the first, bring forthing non-conservative consequences as opposed to utilizing inelastic supplanting ratios. Sing debasement effects, citet {clo} developed a theoretical account where stiffness debasement was taken into history and incorporated in theelasto-plastic theoretical account. The chief difference between the originalelasto-plastic theoretical account and the modified stiffness degrading theoretical account is that there is a decreased energy soaking up per rhythm after the point of giving up.Cloughwas able to reason that compared with theelasto-plastic theoretical account, there was no important alterations in ductileness demand for constructions with periods longer than 0.6 seconds when analysis degrading stiffness theoretical account. However,Cloughbesides found that a larger ductileness demand was required for short period constructions when compared to theelasto-plastic theoretical account. citet {tak70} developed a more refined and sophisticated hysteresis theoretical account on the footing of experimental observations. This theoretical account included stiffness alterations at flexural snap and giving up, and besides strain-hardening features. The unloading stiffness was reduced by an exponential map of the old maximal distortion.Takedabesides prepared a set of regulations for burden reversals within the outmost hysteresis cringle. These are major betterments over theClough( 1966 ) theoretical account. It was citet {fu} who developed thehysteretictheoretical account that includes flexural stiffness belongingss. This theoretical account, besides named the degradingTrilinearHysteresis Model, behaves in an indistinguishable manner as the bilinear theoretical account up to the output point. Beyond the output point, the system behaves in a absolutely fictile manner. When the stuff is unloaded, the mention output point is changed to the unloading point merely before the unloading takes topographic point, besides the unloading stiffness matching to pre- and post-cracking are reduced in proportion to do the stuff behave as the bilinear theoretical account between both positive and negative output points. Although it is of import to understand the different types of debasement, whether or non it has a important consequence on the inelastic supplanting ratios and the overall seismal public presentation is still a subject of research. In add-on to inelastic supplanting ratios, alteration factors and debasement of stuffs, the concluding supplanting of a system, otherwise known as the residuary supplanting is a subject which has caught the involvement of many research workers. citet { 1,2 } found out that the unloading-reloading regulations of thehysteretictheoretical account used has a important impact on the magnitude of residuary supplantings. Furthermore, they found that when the hardening ratio is increased, the magnitude of the residuary supplanting is decreased. When sing the effects of stiffness debasement during droping they concluded that the magnitude of residuary supplanting decreased even more. Another early survey by citet { 4 } showed that the mean over 10 records, residuary supplantings from an elastic-perfectly plastic bilinear theoretical account is more than the value from the citet { 3 } theoretical account. Furthermore, the values of the computed residuary supplantings was inconsistent and showed a big spread. citet { 5 } and citet { 6 } carried out parametric analysis of bilinear theoretical accounts and concluded that the most important factor that affected the residuary supplanting is the post-yield hardening. They besides added that the effects of magnitude, epicentre distance, dirt conditions and periods were minimum on the ratio between residuary and peak supplantings. cite { 8 } looked at the residuary distortion ofSDOFsystems under 20 different land gestures, each with changinghystereticregulations and parametric quantities. They made a comparing between the modifiedTakedatheoretical account citet { 9,10 } and the bilinearelasto-plastic theoretical account. The decision was residuary supplantings from the modifiedTakedatheoretical account were a fraction of those from the bilinearelasto-plastic stuff, besides, with increasing droping stiffness debasement, the ration of residuary to top out inelastic supplanting is decreased. As with the old survey, they found that for both theoretical accounts, the indurating ratio impacts residuary supplantings and travel farther to state that the residuary supplanting decreased when the indurating ratio additions from 0 % to 5 % and addition when the softening ratio goes to -10 % . citet { 12,13 } focused on the ratio of residuary to elastic spectral supplantings of bilinearSDOFsystems. They were able to happen that the residuary supplanting ratio of a bilinear system with a indurating ratio of nothing or 1 % additions perceptibly when the force decrease factor increases up to 3, but really small beyond this point. However, they concluded that in the bilinear system, the residuary to elastic spectral supplanting is non significantly affected with decrease factors between 1.5 and 6. In fact, the ratio of residuary to elastic spectral supplantings seems to diminish when the decrease factor is increased from 1.5 to 6. They besides noted that site conditions, magnitude and epicentre distance had a minor consequence on the ratio of residuary to elastic spectral supplanting, as with the old surveies. % — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — % Section 2 % — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — section { Drumhead } It is by and large agreed that the equal supplanting regulation is valid for periods higher than the characteristic period. However, for periods lower than the characteristic period this ratio varies depending on the type ofhystereticbehavior. This fluctuation will be analysed through the usage of manyhysteretictheoretical accounts. There are many changing methods of sing debasement. However, the consequences obtained through single methods do non conform to the same solution. The ground why this is the instance will be investigated. Residual supplantings are besides a subject of contention. The relationship between the decrease factor $ q $ and the residuary supplanting ratio is unsure. This ratio will be determined for a scope ofhysteretictheoretical accounts in hunt for a relationship between the two parametric quantities stated above. [ AskMergoswhat other relationships ]

Why Does Population Density Varies So Much Within The UK?

Population Density is affected by many factors such as the relief, the climate, the vegetation, the soil, the natural resources and water supply.In the UK, population density varies so much as for example, London has a high population density because it has a great relief which includes flat land which will be easy to build infrastructures but Scotland has a poor relief as it has mountains and hills which means it will be difficult to build infrastructures so therefore, less people will want to vive there since there is a sparse amount of infrastructures like hospitals, roads, shops and schools so traveling to these destinations will be long.Factors like economic and social factors also affect the I-J as the economic factor can provide people transport, industrial areas, offices and ports. London has more Jobs than Scotland as it has more tertiary Jobs than primary Jobs which are paid more so this will populate London more as more people will come to London for Jobs.The social actor will attract more people to populate but Scotland has less health care, houses, entertainment, education and tourist attractions than London so therefore, people will want to go to places that contain these as they don't want to be bored. The vegetation factor populates Scotland as there are large grass areas, trees and fallow land which attracts people who like to live In grassy areas with clean air but London doesn't have a lot of vegetation as It Is more urban than Scotland.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Boston Tea Party Essay

On December 16, 1773, a monumental event took place that was crucial to the growth of the American Revolution. This event was known as The Boston Tea Party, taking place in Boston, a city in the British colony of Massachusetts. Massachusetts Patriots were in immense disapproval on how parliament was trying to monopolize the market on American tea importation granted to the East India Company (Boston Tea Party). The East India Company was a failing British corporation. This Company was on the verge of bankruptcy. They had millions of pounds of unsold tea that sat in warehouses. The idea was to persuade English and colonial consumers to buy East India Company tea to save one of Britain’s largest corporations. In order to make this happen, British Parliament proposed the Tea Act of 1773. The Tea Act allowed the East India Company to sell through agents in America without paying the taxes normally collected in Britain, which allowed the company to undersell even smugglers in the colonies (David Goldfield). What drew major controversy with the Tea Act was that it retained the three pence Townshend duty on tea imported to the colonies. The colonists objected to the Tea Act. They believed that this act violated their rights to â€Å"No taxation without representation,† which meant that they would only be taxed by their own elected representatives and not by the British Parliament that did not represent them. Regardless of what the colonists thought, consignees were selected in Boston, New York, Charleston, and Philadelphia, and then 500,000 pounds of tea were shipped across the Atlantic in September. The first tea ship, Dartmouth, reached Boston November 27, and two more were sent shortly after that. There were several meetings held demanding that the tea be sent back to England with the duty not paid for. Tension was rising when patriot groups tried to persuade the consignees and the governor to accept this approach. On December 16th, citizens, some disguised as Mohawk Indians, pushed toward Griffin’s Wharf and boarded the tea ships (Boston Tea Party). In a course of three hours they dumped three hundred and forty two chests of tea into the harbor, turning it into a teapot (Boston Tea Party Historical Society). The chests held more than 90,000 pounds of tea, which would cost nearly $1,000,000 dollars today (Boston Tea Party). There were certainly several participants and witnesses to the accounts of what occurred at the Boston Tea Party. Although all of the participants were taking part in the same event, their memories of their accounts do seem to differ. The first thing that I noticed was the number of participants. David Kinnison, the longest surviving participant from the Boston Tea Party, claims that there were only 24 men involved (Boston Tea Party Historical Society). His statement matches up well with Samuel Cooper, a participant that was just 16 at the time, who claims that there were around 20 men (Boston Tea Party Historical Society). Then you have John Andrews, claiming that there were around 200 citizens dressed as Indians. Another thing that seems unclear is the way the ships were taken over (Boston Tea Party Historical Society). George Hewes, a Boston shoemaker and participant, states that they were divided into 3 groups, one for each ship. Joshua Wyeth, also a participant, who was only just 16, also states that they took to the three ships at the same time. On the other hand, the Massachusetts Gazette states that they worked their way from ship to ship, after emptying one ship they would move to the next. There are many differences in the accounts of what exactly happened at the Boston Tea Party, which I think helps decipher the truthful accounts from the fabricated ones (Boston Tea Party Historical Society). Most of the witnesses that were actually a part of the Boston Tea Party had testimonies that were exceptionally similar. I believe the only thing that may have caused them to be slightly different would be the fact that it was a little over half a century later when they were trying to recollect the events. I also think that the participants swearing to secrecy had an impact on some of the misleading information, such as the discrepancy on the number of participants. Most of the participants had mentioned around 20 men being involved, when in fact the number was found to be a lot greater than that. The participants in the destruction did not even acknowledge each other even when boarding the ships, breaking open the chests and dumping the tea, so of course they are not going to be truthful about how many citizens were actually involved. I also believe that some of the information misinterpreted for fabrication might be due to the participant not writing their story themselves. George Hewes account of what happened was written by him, Joshua Wyeth’s account was recorded from his words, Samuel Cooper’s came directly from him also. All of these accounts seemed to be relatively similar; where as accounts that were retold by biographers may have changed along the way. Also, participants stories did not coincide on what time the event was actually over. John Andrews wrote that before nine o’clock every chest was destroyed, but Samuel Cooper’s account placed the end of the destruction at ten o’clock (Boston Tea Party Historical Society). Considering that Samuel Cooper had a role in this momentous event, I would give him the benefit of the doubt as to telling the truth of when the event actually came to an end (Boston Tea Party Historical Society). Another person who played an interesting role in the Boston Tea Party was Paul Revere. Revere felt strongly about the movement toward political independence from Great Britain. He was a very well rounded artisan and intellectual. Revere was a silversmith whose work brought him in close contact with patriots like John Hancock and Samuel Adams. He used his talents to support the colonial struggle against Britain. Revere soon assumed the role of a leader, along with Adams, of the Sons of Liberty. The Sons of Liberty were a secret patriotic organization formed in 1765 to prevent the Stamp Act (Paul Revere). The Sons of Liberty also organized the Boston Tea Party. Revere was also one of the many patriots who dressed up as an Indian and took part in the Boston Tea Party Protest against parliamentary taxation without representation (Boston Tea Party Historical Society). After the Tea Party, Revere was sent by the citizens of Boston to deliver news of the party to the other colonists in New York and Philadelphia. When he returned, he was appointed one of 25 men by the citizens of Boston to stand guard over the tea bearing vessels, in order to prevent the overexcited townspeople from doing further damage to the ship (Facts on Paul Revere). I would say Paul Revere played a significant role in the Boston Tea Party; he played the part of a ringleader and was a very influential role model. The acts that he participated in would not be condoned by Britain. The Boston Tea Party ultimately captured the attention of Parliament and produced a furious reaction. A lot of people in America and also in Britain were surprised about the destruction of property in the Tea Party. Parliament decided that this epic event demanded an immediate display of power. In the spring of 1774, parliament passed a series of totalitarian measures to be known as the Coercive Acts. These acts included the Boston Port Act, which closed the port of Boston until Bostonians paid for the tea and uncollected duties. The Massachusetts Government Act, this act stated that members of the governor’s council and sheriffs would be appointed rather than elected and limited the number of town meetings that could be held without the governor’s prior approval. The Administration of Justice Act, which allowed any British soldier or official who was charged with a crime to be tried in England, where they would most likely receive a slap on the wrist. The Quartering Act of 1774 permitted the army to lodge soldiers in any civilian building if necessary. All of these acts were in response to the Boston Tea Party and attempts of Britain to gain royal control. Most colonists referred to these acts as the Intolerable Acts rather than the Coercive Acts, they viewed these acts as a threat to liberty in the colonies. The spirit of protest began to spread, more and more colonists became politicized. They began to realize their common interests as Americans and their differences from the British. America was starting to rebel, but had not yet launched a revolution (David Goldfield). Although, the acts they were taking were starting to have a major influence on America. The Boston Tea Party effected America in many ways. There were a lot of different factors and rebellious acts that eventually snowballed into war, but I would say the Boston Tea Party was the most significant. The passing of the Coercive Acts and parliaments refusal to revoke them led to a great deal of disgruntlement from the colonists. The Boston Tea party most definitely sparked the Revolution, which may have otherwise been delayed or never happened at all.